Ministry Within
WAYS TO SERVE within our red doors
Each of us is called to service. Our ministries and talents may differ, but our purpose is the same – that all whom we touch may know God’s love.
The Acolyte Ministry is an important part of the worship service at St. Mark’s. It allows a variety of generations to participate in worship. We are always looking for new acolytes of any age, 8 to 80, to join our ministry. If you would like to join as an acolyte or get more information about the ministry, please contact Dee Jakel at
Altar Guild
Amazing, Likeable, Talented, Accommodating, Radiant
Gentle, Useful, Important, Levelheaded, Delightful
The mission of the Altar Guild is to provide assistance to the parish at our worship services. Members care for the sanctuary and prepare the altar vessels, linens, and vestments for each service. Come join us – New Members are always welcome! Contact Donna Stillman at or Jane Pigut at if interested in joining.
Building and Grounds
The Committee is responsible for the physical plant including the Church and the Rectory. It also conducts its own inspections and schedules routine maintenance as needed. Available members meet at the Church on Tuesday mornings to discuss and perform various tasks. Volunteers from the congregation assist with larger projects such as spring clean-up. The activities of the committee have resulted in cost-saving repairs. Do you have a skill you would like to share? Then, please contact Brian Harrison at
Endowment Committee
At the annual meeting of the Parish in May of 1989, St. Mark’s established the Endowment Fund to “Enhance the mission of St. Mark’s for outreach projects and the operation of the parish”. Since that time, the Endowment Fund has grown considerably as a result of generous gifts from members of our Parish. The Endowment Fund is separate and apart from the day to day operating funds of the church. There are many ways to assist with the growth of the Endowment Fund. For more information contact Dennis Jewell.
Eucharistic Ministers
In the Episcopal Church, the Eucharistic Minister serves as Intercessor by leading the Prayers of the People and serving as Chalice Bearer. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please contact Alan Dewart, Scheduler and Trainer at or 716-622-7671.
Eucharistic Visitors
The ministry of Eucharistic Visitors works in cooperation with the ordained clergy to ensure that ill or home-bound members of St. Mark’s receive the sacrament of Holy Eucharist on a regular basis. The ministry of Eucharistic Visitors is licensed by the Diocese of Western New York after being trained and approved by the Rector and Vestry of St. Mark’s. If interested in becoming a Eucharistic Visitor, please contact Jane Pigut, Pastoral Care Coordinator at
Flower Guild
The Flower Guild was formed in the Fall of 2015 to take over the ordering, arranging, and watering of the Christmas and Easter flowers. We thank Northridge Nursery and Linda Brown for donating the lovely Christmas poinsettias and supplying the beautiful Easter flowers. The Flower Guild has four members, but we are looking for more help. If you have any interest and talent in floral decorating, please contact Pat Burgess at know.
The activities of the fundraising team provide opportunities for the people of St. Mark’s to come together for fellowship, fun, and service to St. Mark’s as well as the larger Orchard Park community. The funds raised strengthen the financial base of St. Mark’s Church, which in turn, supports the mission and ministry to which God is calling St. Mark’s. We are always looking for new ideas! Our annual chicken BBQ is held in conjunction with the Orchard Park Quaker Days Festival at the end of July.
Our Lectors are responsible for reading the lessons at each of the services. If you are interested in joining the team of Lectors, please contact Alan Dewart at or 716-622-7671.
Newcomer and Greeter
Greeters welcome parishioners as they enter church. Newcomers are identified, welcomed, given a St. Mark’s bag filled with information about our parish, and invited to coffee hour or lemonade on the lawn after the 10:00 AM service. In addition, our members have been busy reexamining what a Newcomer Ministry should be and how we communicate with the community around us. With help from a new tool, Invite*Welcome*Connect, created and developed by Mary Parmer, we have begun to redirect the future direction and growth of this ministry. If interested in being a Greeter, please contact Claire Ross at
Parish Life
Parish Life invites you to good food, fellowship, and fun in a ministry dedicated to building a sense of community at St. Mark’s. Our team of volunteers hosts: weekly coffee hour after 10 AM service, soup lunch for our monthly Souper Sunday gathering, Father’s Day Strawberry Shortcake, Mother’s Day Sweets, summer Lemonade on the Lawn, and more. If you smell a delicious aroma coming from the undercroft- that’s the Parish Life Team inviting you the table. Come join us! For more information, please contact Jan Bos at
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you like to keep your hands busy serving God’s purpose, this is for you! If you knit, crochet, or would like to learn, the patterns are simple and easily worked. The lovely hand-made shawls provide a symbol of love and caring to those to whom they provide warmth and comfort.
St. Mark’s Stewardship committee meets monthly and discusses planning and execution of the annual pledge campaign as well as coordinating of the Ministry of the Month. St. Mark’s now offers electronic giving.
What do our Ushers do? They greet us and hand out bulletins; they count the numbers to make sure the Priest consecrates enough wafers and wine for the Eucharist; they take the collection and present it at the altar; and they organize the traffic flow as we go up to the altar for Communion. On special holidays, they make sure everyone has a place to sit. If interested in being an Usher, please contact Mike Hanitz.