Ministry Beyond

WAYS TO SERVE beyond our red doors

The Ministry of Outreach encompasses many areas, from on-going annual projects such as the Trinity Food Pantry collection to one-time projects like Have a Heart, Give a Heart Blessing Bags.  As needs arise, this congregation is always generous in giving time and donations to whatever goal we are looking to achieve.  Part of the great success of this ministry is looking toward the congregation for inspiration in assisting charitable organizations in WNY.  Our Outreach Ministry office continues to seek ways to match volunteers to those projects.

Advent Project

For the past several years, we have provided gifts of books, blankets, mittens, toothbrushes, and many other items to children in Miss Kelly Yavornitzki’s Pre-K Class at School 59 Annex in Buffalo.

Family Justice Center

St. Mark’s was instrumental in supporting the opening of the Southtown’s Satellite office of the Family Justice Center, located in Orchard Park, which links victims of domestic violence to necessary services to escape the nightmare of abuse. We continue to support the work of the Family Justice Center by helping to stock their food pantry with food, personal care items, and small toys for children. St. Mark’s also supports “Domestic Violence Awareness Month” in October with a sign on our front lawn and a special Sunday devoted to awareness.

Fourth of July Hospitality Table

St. Mark’s presence on the parade route has become a staple of Orchard Park’s Independence Day celebrations.  Every year the members of St. Mark’s host a FREE food and beverage table during the Fourth of July Parade.  The parade passes right by the church, so we offer hot dogs, popcorn, cookies, water, and juice for all the spectators.

Haiti Micah Project

The congregation of St. Mark’s sponsors a child in Mirebalais, Haiti through the Haiti Micah project, whose mission is to invest in children and adolescents. Our annual sponsorship feeds, educates, and provides basic health care for the year.

Journey’s End – Home Again

The Home Again project is sponsored by the Journey’s End Refugee Resettlement Agency.  A Home Again setup is a way for the people of St. Mark’s to make a lasting difference in the lives of a newly-arrived refugee family.  Routinely, when clients arrive, their apartments are furnished with only the minimum federal requirements.  St. Mark’s participates in the collection of donated household items, thoroughly cleans the residence, and sets up a warm, inviting, and well-furnished “home”.  It is an opportunity for St. Mark’s to warmly welcome a new refugee family to the “City of Good Neighbors”.

Pet Blessing

A horse, a bird, a few cats, some dogs and their caregivers.  We all stand together on a cool crisp fall evening outside of the church.  Come join us for prayers, blessings, and even a bag of treats for your pet who may be at your side, sitting safely at home or may have passed on.

Trinity Open Pantry Collection

Each month we collect food and household items to support the Open Pantry at Trinity Episcopal Church.  This pantry is a life line to many within our Episcopal family and the community beyond.  Anyone is welcome to take what they need at the pantry whenever Trinity is open. The Trinity Open Pantry also supports a local refuge at Peace House and a produce pantry at Operation Good Neighbor.

Ulman Cancer Fund for Young Adults

St. Mark’s hosts a group of college students who run across the country in the 4K for Cancer Run in support of family and friends who are affected with cancer.  We provide evening meals, snacks, and breakfast to our guests.  It is truly inspiring to hear the stories and aspirations of these determined young people.

United Thank Offering

The United Thank Offering (UTO) is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church.  Through UTO, men, women, and children nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God.  These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings.  Those who participate in UTO discover that thankfulness leads to generosity.  UTO is entrusted to promote thank offerings, to receive the offerings, and to distribute the monies to support the mission and ministry throughout The Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion.