From the Rector

  School, sports, scouting, after-school activities are all vying for a place on your calendar.  All of them are important to your kids and in your own life.  I worry sometimes that as parents, we don’t have time for our own life.  Perhaps a lesson from the ‘Covid19’ days is helpful. 

We need to be able to take a breath and just have time to recharge our own batteries.  There is the old saying, “You can’t give what you don’t have.”  As parents and even grandparents we need to take time for ourselves.  I can just hear the response, “yeah that’s a nice thought but…”

The time you give to God, yourself and your family is too important to be slotted or pigeonholed by programs that someone else provides, even in the church.  So what do I suggest?  Healthy priorities and boundaries are essential to keep a balanced life.

My hope is that you will take care of yourself, so that you can live lives of healthy hope for others;  Giving something of yourself to God, to your children and family, the parish, the community and friends that is essential to our Christian life.

You too are a child of God, no less than the rest of creation, you have a right to be here, to be cherished and loved.  Be good to yourself so that you have the gifts to be good to others.

Father Jack