You Are Invited!

Sunday Worship – 8:00am & 10:00am


Everyone! Whoever you are, wherever you’ve been, whatever you have done, You are welcome at this table. God loves you, no exceptions and we do too!


At St. Mark’s we believe that Christ’s love should be shared. We are first and foremost followers and disciples of Jesus.  Our faith is shaped by the Holy Scripture, by Christian Tradition and the use of our Reason in our experience of Christianity. The highlight of our celebration is the Eucharist, sharing in the Communion at the altar rail.  As the community of the Church we connect our individual faith journeys with Christians everywhere: past, present and future. ALL who are with us are welcome to receive Communion.



St. Mark’s is a community with a vision…

St. Mark’s hopes to be a vibrant faith community – radiating spirituality. We are spiritually fulfilled by a beautiful liturgy and transformative sermons.  We demonstrate our love of the Lord by welcoming and caring for people who come through our doors and by going outside our doors to engage in thriving, powerful ministries that provide meaningful help to our community. 

St. Mark’s is also known as a place to learn, worship, and grow in relationship to our Lord – a center for healing and giving to the community.

Our Areas of Mission

  • To Love Christ
  • To Love our Neighbor
  • To Serve the World

Our Core Values

  • Inclusion
  • Caring for the Community
  • Sharing our tradition

Our Core Purpose

St. Mark’s exists to provide spiritual renewal and transformation:

  • Through worship,
  • Christian formation,
  • Work in the world that makes a difference.

We are a vibrant source of healing and reconciliation for our parish and for the community beyond our red doors.




  • 8 AM ~ Worship (Rite I)
  • 10 AM ~ Worship with music (Rite II) & Children’s Chapel/Sunday School (downstairs) Nursery care is provided

Both services are livestreamed on Facebook.


  • 9:30 AM ~ Worship and Scripture Study in All Saints Chapel (downstairs)


6595 E. Quaker Street (20A)  ~ Orchard Park, NY 14127

Our Parking Lot is across the street from the church at the corner of Potter Avenue and East Quaker Street (20A).

Handicapped Accessible Parking and Entrance and access to all levels is at the rear of the building.

Click here for directions.